The alkalizing process of the nibs includes various process steps, which can vary depending on the desired color and intensity. If the production of red tones is desired, this process is based on oxidation through the addition of atmospheric oxygen.

If, on the other hand, a brown color reaction is the goal, chemical reduction takes place in the nibs. This is mainly achieved by overpressure in the alkalizing plant. The intensity of the different color shades can be influenced by the choice of different cocoa provenances and the food-approved chemicals used in the process.

The alkalization process for the different colors differs fundamentally in the process. First of all, the product is heated to an appropriate reaction temperature and solid or liquid additives are added to trigger the chemical alkalization reaction. Depending on the desired coloring, the process then takes place under atmospheric or overpressure conditions.

At the end of the alkalizing process, the surface of the nibs is dried in a vacuum step so that, despite the high water content of the nibs, a free-flowing product is created that is fed directly to the roasting machine.


Alkalizing system CNAS

The alkalizing system CNAS works in batch mode. The batch size is determined in weighing hoppers. The alkalizing reactor can work in three modes, either in negative or in atmospheric or in overpressure. It also has a double jacket that can be heated with saturated steam. A vacuum pump generates the necessary negative pressure.

Alkalizing system CNAS

Alkalizing system CNAS

The alkalizing system CNAS is equipped with a highly efficient spiral mixer. This allows the product to be intensively mixed while being treated gently at the same time. This minimizes the mechanical stress on the product.

Alkalizing system CNAS

Alkalizing system CNAS

The alkalizing system CNAS is driven by a geared motor with an external bearing lantern. All sealing and maintenance elements are outside the mixer body. This means that maintenance can be carried out quickly and easily.

Alkalizing system CNAS

Alkalizing system CNAS

Here are the highlights of the alkalizing system CNAS:

  • Production of all common cocoa powder colors is possible
  • Extremely gentle treatment of the cocoa nibs without fat loss
  • Greatest possible process engineering flexibility
  • Optimum maintenance thanks to external accessibility to the parts to be maintained

Alkalizing system CNAS

The alkalizing system CNAS is available with the following capacities:

  • CNAS 10: 1000 kg/batch cocoa nibs
  • CNAS 35: 3500 kg/batch cocoa nibs
  • CNAS 50: 5000 kg/batch cocoa nibs
  • CNAS 60: 6000 kg/batch cocoa nibs
  • Further capacities on request